Hey Friends,
Today, i just wanted to write about some things on my mind. Maybe vent a little bit. Lately I've been feeling pretty down. Maybe, no, most likely, it has something to do with me graduating university soon- 2 weeks, eek! But i've been feeling pretty down. I've been really stressed, uninspired, unmotivated and really very stressed.
I feel like i let little things get to my head, even though I shouldn't. Because little things aren't worth my time and I;m better than to let little things consume my mind and get the best of me. I'm sure a lot of people can relate to this. Little things can be boy problems, school problems, family problems, or just other things going on in your life. "Little problems" is all relative though, some things are bigger than others in different people's minds. Depends on your priorities I guess. And maybe i have mine all messed up is why I'm feeling this way? I'm not too sure.
Anyway, I guess a big part of this feeling has to do with leaving my college town and moving back home. i'm going to miss living alone with my roommates, having the freedom of doing what I want and expressing myself, living with my best friends and being exposed to so many people and so many opportunities. It's been a rough, very rough 4 years but I don't know if I'd take it back. College was quite an experience and i think as it gets closer to graduation, I'd like to reminisce about my time here.
Anyway, Im just feeling a little burnt out after these hard 4 years but I know they were worth it in more ways than education. A lot of people feel like they find themselves or their "purpose" or their soulmate in college. i don't know if i can say any of those things are true for me. At times, yes, Im certain I found the one, or I'm certain I know who I am, but at the end of the day, all those things can be temporary, I mean are they even guaranteed? People's feelings can change in an instant and you'll just be left there with everything. Or, you can find yourself doing something that you yourself never thought you'd do. On the other hand, someone can be everything to you, and you can be their everything and you guys can complete each other. But nothing is guaranteed.
Anyway, I'm not sure what the focus to this post was about, but I needed to vent about some things that were on my mind and in my head. Let me know if you can relate or find a little bit of yourself in these thoughts. I know I was a little bit vague about some things, but thats also because I myself am not sure the problem, or the problems that are going on. Any who, if you made it this far in the post, good for you! Let me know your thoughts below!